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Sunday, 4 November 2018

How to Make Solar Tracker Using Arduino and Servo Motor


Introduction:-In this post I am going to talk about the "solar Tracker" which I've made using a Arduino UNO and SG90 servo. Before reading the post please check the video from my channel , it gives 70% of Idea about the project. So I've made a solar tracker using an arduino and servo motor. This solar tracker uses two LDRs to measure the light or the resistance of the LDR changes according to the light. It can also charge mobile phone.....Click Here for more projects...

Check This Video......


Step:-1-Parts and Materials
Please use this links to buy the the products used in this project...So I can rise some funds for my future projects....You don't have to pay more the price will be same.
****Amazon INDIA****
2) LDR x 2
Picture of Step:-1-Parts and Materials

Picture of Step:-1-Parts and Materials

Picture of Step:-1-Parts and Materials

Picture of Step:-1-Parts and Materials

Picture of Step:-1-Parts and Materials

Picture of Step:-1-Parts and Materials

Picture of Step:-1-Parts and Materials

Picture of Step:-1-Parts and Materials

Step:2- Making Body

I've used wood to make the body for the solar tracker, It's a triangular shaped wood which allows the solar panel to move in one axis the wood is of random size and you can make this as your requirement. I've used old pens to connect the both wood.

Picture of Step:2- Making Body

 Make a hole on the upper side of the wood so we can mount the servo there later. Check the video and images for reference.

Picture of Step:2- Making Body

Picture of Step:2- Making Body

Picture of Step:2- Making Body

Picture of Step:2- Making Body

Picture of Step:2- Making Body

Picture of Step:2- Making Body

Picture of Step:2- Making Body

Step:3-Schematics & Software

Picture of Step:3-Schematics & Software
First download the ZIP file and extract it, you will find a circuit diagram of the project. The signal wire of the servo is connected to Digital pin 9 of the arduino and GND>>GND & Vcc>>5V of arduino, One terminal of the LDR1 and LDR2 is short circuited and connected to the 5V pin of arduino and other terminal of the LDRs is connected to the pin A0 and A1 of the arduino.
                      *****Click Here to Download ZIP file*****
Complete the circuit and Upload the arduino Sketch to the arduino.
Picture of Step:3-Schematics & Software
Picture of Step:3-Schematics & Software

Step:4- Mounting the Servo and Solarpanel

Connect the servo rod in my case plastic pipe and mount the servo on the wooden frame(body) using hot glue and also glue the servo rod with solar panel "make sure that the servo moves equal distance in both direction". And finally glue the both LDRs on the solar panel as shown in video or image.

Picture of Step:4- Mounting the Servo and Solarpanel

Picture of Step:4- Mounting the Servo and Solarpanel

Picture of Step:4- Mounting the Servo and Solarpanel

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Thursday, 12 July 2018

How to Make Scrolling Display Using Arduino and Bluetooth | DIY smartphone control scrolling display using arduino


In this post I am going to discuss about "How can you make a scrolling display using the arduino and control it through smartphone" . By using the Bluetooth you can send maximum 63 characters and through the program it can display up to 500 characters (In my case). The message from Bluetooth is temporary and it will automatically clear if the micro-controller is turned off. Before starting please watch the Video it gives you the whole Idea about the project,,,,and if you like the video then don't forget to leave the like and comment and share the video......So.let's get started....

Step 1: Materials and Tools

1) Bread Board
2) 2pcs Of DMD (dot-matrix-display) mine is P10
3) Arduino UNO or NANO
4) HC-05 Bluetooth module
5) Jumper Wires
6) Wire stripper
7) Screwdriver
8) 5 Volt DC adapter (Higher the Amp better the brightness "max-5 amp")

Step 2: Circuit

Connect the DMD pins as shown in the circuit diagram and connect the output of the first module to the input of the second module and also connect the Vcc and GND of the both panel using wires.
Connection of led panel with arduino UNO
OE >>> D9
A >>> D6
B >>> D7
C >>> No connection
CLK >>> D13
SCLK >>> D8
R >>> D11
GND >>> GND of arduino( any one)
Bluetooth Connection
Connect the TX of the Bluetooth module to the RX (D0) pin of the arduino and RX of bt. module to TX (D1) of arduino UNO...
You can also change the Password and Name of the bluetooth module using AT command to ahange the password and name connect TX of Bt. module to TX of UNO and RX to RX and Open Arduino IDE and open Serian monitor Type AT command. You can find all AT command of HC-05 Module on internet " search for 'AT command of HC-05' on google"
NOTE***---You Cant upload the program while bluetooth is connected to the arduino.


Step 3: Upload the Program

Before uploading sketch to arduino disconnect the bluetooth module from arduino to avoid compiling error.
Download the zip file which contents TimerOne and DMD library and the arduino Sketch, and extract the zip file. copy the libraries to the library folder of arduino and open the arduino sketch. You can change the max characters length and message on the program as your requirement. ...
Chose the board type and serial port and click upload...after uploading the sketch connect the bluetooth module and you are ready to send message using smartphone....
Arduino sketch Credit: to

Step 4 :Installing App and Connecting Power Supply

Now connect the 5 volt DC power supply to LED panel and power it on if it is working perfectly...Then install the bluetooth control app from google play store. Open play store and search for "Arduino Bluetooth Control" and install the app and open and connect with bluetooth module...and you are ready to send mesasage....
If You found this post helpful then leave a like and consider supporting my future projects through my patreon campaign and subscribe to my youtube channel....


Visit My Youtube Channel

Introduction:- In this post I am going to make “Real time Clock “ using 3.5 inch TFT touch LCD, Arduino Mega 2560 and DS3231 RTC module….Before starting…check the video from my YouTube channel..

Step-1 Watch the Video

Before start reading this post check out the video of this project on my YouTube channel. It gives you 75% information (Idea) about the project…

                         Step-2:-Tools and Materials

For my project I am using 3.5 inch touch screen with ILI9481 Driver, Arduino Mega 2560 and a DS3231 RTC module. But you can use smaller or bigger screen and Arduino UNO instead of Mega. You can buy the materials from link below, if you bought any materials from below link I will get small commission..,,, Don’t worry you don’t have to pay more…….Here is the list of the materials..
***Note***:- If you are using Arduino UNO you have to modify the program because This program uses >100% of Arduino UNO's Memory.

Well my LCD is specially made for Arduino mega 2560/DUE so, it can slide directly into the arduino mega. So we don’t have to connect the each individually. But in case you’re using other LCD or Arduino UNO you can change the pin initialize in the arduino IDE software for mega it’s The “Real Time Clock” module is connected with the Arduino Mega through the I2C interface, so Connect SCL of the RTC module to the SCL of mega And SDA to SDA and connect Vcc of RTC to 5V pin of Arduino mega and GND to GND of arduino..I am using breadboard to make connection between the arduino and RTC…

Step-4:- Upload the Sketch to Arduino

Before uploading the sketch to your arduino board, Download and include the UTFT and UTouch Library to your computer…Download and extract the zip file of the library and include it to your arduino library folder…make sure to restart the software (Arduino IDE) in case it is open during this process. Download the zip file and extract it you will find Arduino sketch including UTFT and UTouch library or you can download the library from link below (GitHub)…

Extract the Arduino sketch zip file and open it, select your bord type (like Arduino mega, UNO, Nano). Select the COM port and clicl on upload….after uploading the sketch the time and date will displayed on your screen including message (whatever you want to show on screen).. To set the date and time Click on SET button and the digit becomes red click up/down to set the time fot date it shows small dash(“-‘” this sign) below the date and you can change the date by clicking UP/DOWN on screen… Note:-If you are using cheap LCD module like mine, Then don’t expect good touch sensitivity from it..
If you found this post helpful then Please consider supporting me through my Patreoncampaign or donate through PayPal. Even small amount can help a lot…and/or please Subscribe to my YouTube channel for more exiting projects in future…..if you have any confusion or suggestions for this project let me khow in the comment section below... Also connect with me through TwitterFacebook.