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Wednesday, 31 January 2018

How to make remote control light/Fan | Hack TV remote to control your home

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Introduction: Control Your Home Using T.V Remote| Control Your Home Appliance Using T.V Remote.

Picture of Control Your Home Using  T.V  Remote| Control Your Home Appliance Using T.V Remote.

IF you want to control your home using remote then this post is for you, I made a RC circuit using CD4017 IC, which you can control using any type of remote like. T.V remote and this circuit can fit to any appliance on your home which is running on AC current like. Light,Fan etc. This circuit act as a switch for those appliance.
Before making your own circuit please cheak the video on my youtube channel about this project. All materials and components used in this project is listed below with images..fell free to comment if you have any suggestion or confusion about this project.So, Let's get started.....
                  Step 1: Materials
Picture of Materials
The most time consuming process of any project is to find appropriate materials which gonna used in the project. All material used in this project is easily find on any electronics shop or if you have old circuit board(like from TV,radio or any electronics equipment) then you can salvage the materials from that.
Tools and materials used.....
1) Soldering Iron
2)Soldering wire and paste
3)Bread Board
4) Verro Board(purfboard)
5)T.V Remote
6)12Volt adapter
7)AC bulb(lamp) and holder
Electronics used...
1)CD4017 IC
2)TSOP1738 decoder
3)Resistance-:330E*2, 1K*1, 220K*1
4)Capacitor-;100uf*1, 0.1uf*1
5)Diode+Transistor-1N4007, BC558, BC548(T1,T2)
6)2*LED, 6Volt Relay
              Step 2: Circuit Diagram.
Picture of Circuit Diagram.
After Getting all of the materials listed,start making the circuit according to the circuit board. First try on Breadboard to ensure everything is working perfect and then make permanent circuit on varroboard(purfboard).
After making the circuit connect 5-12V (12v in case you used 12v relay) and check the circuit using remote.If your circuit is perfect then LED will glow and shifted every time when remote's button is pressed.....

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If you want to know more about this project..then please watch the video...if you have any suggestion or confusion about this project as well as my other projects then......Fell free to comment.. and please subscribe to my Youtube wii motivate me for more future project......

Hack a UPS to melt metal | metal melting machine using UPS

Introduction: Hacking UPS to Make Metal Melter

Recently my PC's UPS battery is dead and it's not working.So, I thought that!!CAN I HACK THIS UPS????.......So in this post we are talking about the hacking of UPS as a metal melter machine and, how can you do this with your dead UPS.Before starting this project with your UPS read full post properly to avoid accident,note:-Don't touch wires with your hand directly because high voltage can kill you....The project is only for fun,I don't prefer to do this at your home....I got electric shock twice during this project....
So,Let's get started........
Step 1:-Material and Tools Used...
Picture of Step 1:-Material and Tools Used...
If you have a dead UPS at your home..then you can start or you can buy a dead one from computer repairing shop.Here is the full material list...
1) A dead UPS
2)screw drivers
3)different types of metal piece
Step 2:-How to Hack
First open the enclosure of the ups and take the battery and transformer out and also the circuit board find the main source wires(Neutral & Live) and connect the power plug with it.After that find the wire which is use to charge the battery and connect the metal connector with it(check image).After that connect the power plug to the mains AC source and short the battery charging wires the connector will sparking and connector will start heating..Now short this wires using Different types, sizes, and length of metal it will melt.It can't be able to melt heavy metal, but for small size and shapes of metal it it definitely do the job....Check video....

If You like this project then please Consider Supporting my projects Through my Patreon campaign Or Donate Through PayPal.......

****Caution**** :-If you don't have knowledge about electronics then DON'T TRY THIS AT HOME....Because Ac voltage can kill you....
If you have confusion about it then fell free to comment.....and don't forget to like

How to make LED board at home | Make a multicolor LED board at home

Introduction: Make a Name Plate for Your Love Ones Using Multicolor LEDs

Picture of Make a Name Plate for Your Love Ones Using Multicolor LEDs
If you see my previous project(serial LED light using multicolor LDs) then you might know i bought 1000pcs LED for my project but I did not use all LEDs in my project and there are hundreds of LEDs are Left So' I thought I can use this to make my channel logo(see image) and I started to make it....So in this post i am going to share my experience and HOW CAN YOUR MAKE YOUR OWN LED Board... Make a name plate for your love ones.....Lets start..........
Step 1:-Materials and Tools Required
Picture of Step 1:-Materials and Tools Required
I am using 5mm LEDs (multicolor) for the board and About 9*14cm of Purfboard and Some jumpers soldering iron, soldering paste, soldering wire, Wire stripper,5 to9 Volt Adapter & a DC jack.All the materials and tools are listed below and you can find this in your local hobby shop as well as electronics shop...Here is the full material list and use images as reference.....
1)5mm LEDs (no.of leds are depend on your board size)
2)5 or 9 volt Adapter
3)DC jack
4)jumpers and wires
5)soldering iron
6)soldering paste
7)soldering wire
I bught this materials from local electronics shop in India.......Lets make it....
Step 2-How to make your own.  
Picture of Step 2:- How to Make My Own...
After getting all listed materials make a rough design on purfboard(you can us Cardboard as well) using marker pen and place The LEDs parallely on the board use jumpers if required(like in image) and first make full design using LEDs and after placing all LEDs as your design Solder the terminals of LEDs on purfboard(+ve to +Ve and -Ve to-Ve). After soldering all things in it's place connect DC jack to the board.....and your logo or Name plate is ready...
Connect the Dc adapter of 5 or 9 volt and switch on the adapter ...Here your board is glowing..if it's not glowing check your connection properly and try again....Here is how my channel logo looks like...Check video...

If You like this project then please Consider Supporting my projects Through my Patreon campaign Or Donate Through PayPal
if you found this post helpful then press like....&....If you have any question about it comment below...
Thanks for visiting my post.....

Monday, 29 January 2018

How to make Serial LED lights at home..

Introduction: Serial LED Light Using Multi Color LED's

Picture of Serial LED Light Using Multi Color LED's
An Serial LED light is not so expensive but if you are DIY lover(an Hobbyist) like me then you can make your own serial LEDs and it's cheaper than the light available in market.So, Today I am going to make my own Serial LED light which runs on 5 Volt DC.....Why????.........Why DIY light????.......Here is some of the reasons....
1)Electric shok proof
2)you can easily run this using 3.7Volt battery
3)Cheaper and safe than lights available in market...
So, Lets start to make this....            
             Step 1:- Materials & Tools
Picture of Step 1:- Materials & Tools
All materials are listed below and you can find this materials and tools in local hobby shop.I bought all materials from local electronics shop in India, I got this(see image) Multicolor RGB LEDs for 5$(1000 pcs) and 0.3-0.5mm flexible wire for 1$(about 100M).....**In my case the LEDs is 5mm RGB and RB one**.Here is the full materials and tools list.....
1)Soldering Iron
2)Soldering Wire
3)Soldering Paste
4)0.3 or 0.5mm flexible wire(as your requirement Length)
5)RGB or any type of LEDs
6)5 Volt Adapter(you can use your mobile charger)
9)Duct or Any Tape
10)DC power jack(optional)
11)Wire stripper
So, we got all materials Let's make it..........
                Step2:-How to Make..
Picture of Step 2:-How to Make..
First cut the flexible wire at the length of 4 inch and strip both of the ends (about 1cm on each end).solder the wire on LEDs +ve and -ve terminals like in the image.And then connect the LEDs parallely +ve to +ve and -ve to -ve of the LEDs terminals and solder them,make long strip of LEDs by connecting parallely and cut the cardboard like in the image and place the cardboard between the +ve & -ve terminals of LEDs and fix this using tape by repeating the above procedure you can make long strips of LES about 10-20 meters.....
NOTE:-Make-sure the polarity of the LEDs connected as describe.....
Step 3:-Ready to Use.....
Picture of Step 3:-Ready to Use.....
After making the strips as your require length connect the +ve terminal of strip to +ve terminal of Adapter(5-9V) and -ve to -ve, now switch on the adapter.........your serial LED light is ready...See Video ....below.....
**Note**:-The require power is vary according to your materials used....

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